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ACEs/Trauma Videos

Nadine Burke Harris, ACEs

Nadine Burke Harris, ACEs

It’s impossible to avoid adverse experiences for children, the important thing is that we know what those look like, how they affect children, young people and adults and what we can do about them. Nadine Burke Harris talks here about her work with children, young...

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Having a difficult start doesn’t mean that poor outcomes are inevitable! Take a look at this video with James Docherty from the Violence Reduction Unit as he shares at the ACEs to Assets conference which took place in Glasgow in 2019.

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What are ACEs?

What are ACEs?

Ever heard of ACEs? In the context of Hope’s Table, ACEs are Adverse Childhood Experiences. Want to know more? Take a look at the NHS Scotland video.

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ACEs and frontline workers

ACEs and frontline workers

Do you work with folks who really puzzle you? Do you sometimes wonder what’s behind people’s extreme behaviour? Kirsty Giles from the Violence Reduction Unit shares her thoughts on how Adverse Childhood Experience impact all of us and how we can help.

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